Post by yvesBonjour,
la fonction org-agenda-list permet d'afficher une vue "agenda" d'un
fichier au format org-mode.
Monday 13 November 2017 W46
retour: Scheduled: TODO debuguer
retour: Scheduled: TODO françisation de org-agenda-list
je voudrais savoir s'il existe un paramétrage simple pour franciser
cet agenda ? Pour l'instant, mes recherches ont fait chou blanc.
Déjà on peut facilement franciser le calendrier.
(setq french-holiday
'((holiday-fixed 1 1 "Jour de l'an")
(holiday-fixed 5 1 "Fête du travail")
(holiday-fixed 5 8 "Victoire 45")
(holiday-fixed 7 14 "Fête nationale")
(holiday-fixed 8 15 "Assomption")
(holiday-fixed 11 1 "Toussaint")
(holiday-fixed 11 11 "Armistice 18")
(holiday-fixed 12 25 "Noël")
(holiday-easter-etc 1 "Lundi de Pâques")
(holiday-easter-etc 39 "Ascension")
(holiday-easter-etc 50 "Lundi de Pentecôte"))
calendar-date-style 'european
calendar-holidays (append french-holiday)
calendar-mark-holidays-flag t
calendar-day-name-array ["dimanche" "lundi" "mardi" "mercredi" "jeudi" "vendredi" "samedi"]
calendar-day-abbrev-array ["dim" "lun" "mar" "mer" "jeu" "ven" "sam"]
calendar-day-header-array ["di" "lu" "ma" "me" "je" "ve" "sa"]
calendar-month-abbrev-array ["Jan" "Fev" "Mar" "Avr" "Mai" "Jun" "Jui" "Aou" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"]
calendar-month-name-array ["janvier" "février" "mars" "avril" "mai" "juin" "juillet" "août" "septembre" "octobre" "novembre" "décembre"]
lunar-phase-names '("Nouvelle lune" "Premier quartier" "Pleine lune" "Dernier Quartier"))
On peut franciser org-agenda-scheduled-leaders
| org-agenda-scheduled-leaders is a variable defined in ‘org-agenda.el’.
| Its value is ("Scheduled: " "Sched.%2dx: ")
| Documentation:
| Text preceding scheduled items in the agenda view.
| This is a list with two strings. The first applies when the item is
| scheduled on the current day. The second applies when it has been scheduled
| previously, it may contain a %d indicating that this is the nth time that
| this item is scheduled, due to automatic rescheduling of unfinished items
| for the following day. So this number is one larger than the number of days
| that passed since this item was scheduled first.
| You can customize this variable.
(customize-group 'org-agenda-line-format)